The consultation, contraindications, and preparing for your appointment......
Anesthetics, designing the brows, and details about the procedure from start to finish...
What to expect once you leave the studio, and how to care for your new brows......
Before the microblading procedure you can first have a free consultation. We can either do this appointment over the phone with pictures messaged, in an appointment before the initial procedure, or combined with the initial procedure appointment. During the consultation we can discuss the procedure, the shape, the look you want, the healing process, and the aftercare. It is a good idea to exfoliate the brow area at home a few days before the initial procedure in order to remove any dead or flaking skin.
-No excessive tanning at least 2 weeks prior to appt
-Be sure to avoid any alcohol, ibuprofen, or aspirin at least 24 hours prior to the appointment.
-No waxing, tweezing or tinting for 2 weeks prior to appt
-Botox should be performed at least 2 weeks prior to and at least 2 weeks after the appt
-No chemical peels, microdermabrasion, or micro needling within 30 days of appt
-Discontinue use of Retin-A, Retinol, or Retinoid products in the brow area for 1 week prior to appt
The first thing to be done when you arrive for the procedure is for the anesthetic to be applied. It will take about 20 minutes for it to take effect. Once the anesthetic is applied we will discuss shape and color, you will sign consent forms, and I will prep and freshly sterilize the area for microblading. Once the 20 minutes is up, you will sit very still and silent while I measure and draw the brows on your face. Once you have approved the shape you will lie down and I will begin the microblading process. I use a hand tool that has, what is basically, a blade of needles. The tool is dipped into the pigment and then the strokes are applied with a very fine microblade. Once the first strokes are made , I then apply a pigment mask that sits for 5 minutes. The pigment mask is where pigment is applied to the strokes in order to push more pigment into the dermis of the skin. Then I move over to the other brow and repeat the process. Once the 5 minutes are up I clean up the pigment and then apply more anesthetic to sit for 5 more minutes. Then, I remove the anesthetic and go back over the initial strokes and deposit more pigment. This is then repeated on the other brow. During the procedure you will be asked to sit up so I can clearly look at the brows and check for evenness and see if there are any areas that need extra hair strokes. Once the brows are even i will apply one final pigment mask for 5 minutes. Then the procedure is complete once I apply a barrier cream to the brow area to protect your freshly microbladed brows. You will be given an aftercare instruction sheet and voila, you now have beautiful brows!
Once the microblading procedure is finished you will not touch your brows or get them wet for 24 hours. After that you will gently wash them with warm water, a cotton pad, and mild soap. Then you will gently apply the aftercare serum by blotting the area with your clean finger. I offer aftercare kits for sale ($40) that include everything you need to take care of your brows. This should be continued throughout the healing stage for at least 2 weeks. The brows will get significantly darker during the next 3 days following the procedure and will then begin to fade drastically. During the "3 days of darkness" you may feel regretful and scared that you will not like your brows and that they are too dark. Do not worry, this is part of the process. Then, you will begin to peel and flake. It is very important that you do not peel or scratch the area. This could lead to spottiness and actually remove parts of the brow. During the healing process you will find that some hair strokes may disappear and reappear. Crazy I know, but this is a common occurrence. Before the 4-8 week touchup you will notice that your brows are extremely lighter and may have some spotty areas. This is why the touchup is necessary. This is all part of the process and is to be expected. When you come back for the touchup there will be no drawing of eyebrows and we will go straight to microblading, going over the strokes from the initial procedure.

Not only do I have my master cosmetology license, but I also studied with World Microblading in order to be certified in microblading. In addition to that I also attended nursing school, which is a wonderful asset to me as a microblading artist. Because of this I am highly educated about safety precautions when it comes to a semi-sterile environment that must be kept when microblading. I am very picky when it comes to the blades I use and where they come from, and also the hospital grade bleach and disinfectants that I use on my microblading environment. All tools used in microblading are single use only and are discarded after each client. Aside from my education, there is also the fact that I have been obsessed with my own brows since I was 12 years old (hard not to be when your brows take up 1/3 of your face lol). However, I have also been obsessed with everyone else's and have made it my life's mission to solve the world's brow problems one brow hair at a time. From a young age I would shape anyone's brows that would let me, even the not so willing participants. I have just always had a gift for looking at someone's face and determining the best eyebrow shape to frame their eyes. While waxing can sometimes be necessary. I much prefer tweezing in order to get a refined precision custom look to you and your brows. Now that we are in an age of thick brows being the "in" thing to do, I can either keep your brows groomed through the growth stage and instruct you through the whole growth process or, if over tweezing was an issue of your past, I can give you custom thick brows to frame your face beautifully through microblading. The great thing about microblading is that it only lasts up to 2 years and so by the time trends or your taste changes so can your brows!


I use an anesthetic before I start the procedure and then I reapply throughout the process to make sure the area remains numb. As for pain, I think it really depends on the individual and how their body responds to pain and how it metabolizes the anesthetic. I have customers who fall asleep and literally start snoring during the microblading and then I have some, very rarely, who say they can slightly feel the first strokes before the secondary anesthesia is applied. However, I would say that none of my clients would ever describe their pain past a 2 on a scale of 1-10. Most of my clients respond, "oh am I supposed to feel something" when questioned about how they are feeling. I have also had many clients who have had real tattoos and they claim that microblading is nothing compared to a real tattoo.

I'm not sure where this misconception comes from, but it is definitely one of my most frequently asked questions. The answer is no, I do not shave your brows. If I remove any brow hairs I will just tweeze stray hairs that are outside of the designated brow area. The microblading is done within your natural brows. I actually had a client's little boy stand beside me and watch the procedure and he said, "hey, that's not a tattoo, how are you making those hairs come out of her skin?" If only I had that on video! It is hard to think that the natural brow isn't cut when I am microblading within the hairs, but they are not, and the natural brow is kept perfectly in tact.

Just like anything else, your safety lies in the hands of the one performing the procedure. This is why it is very important that you do your research and choose someone who is certified and also someone who is educated about safety precautions when it comes to dealing with broken skin. The fact that I have attended nursing school is of great value to my clients in particular. Safety also is considered when I pay those extra dollars for sterile blades from a well known source. So to answer the question....yes, microblading is safe when the correct safety precautions are followed and the tools are carefully chosen.