6th & Big Beauty Bar Co. is a luxury hair salon offering hair color, hair cuts, microblading, precision brow shaping, lash extensions, and semi-permanent hair extensions, along with stocking halo couture hair extensions in a beautiful and loving environment. We also carry R+Co hair products & our very own Tshirt line. Our tees come in our faux hairspray can called Big Tees Hairspray. At 6th & Big we are a family and our customers become like family too and that is exactly how we hope you will feel when you walk through our doors.....starting with a complimentary refreshment!
The Story Behind the Name
Many people have asked where the name 6th & Big came from. It is sort of a full circle story. My brother-in-law, Matt, and I were trying to come up with a name one night when he decided to start a list of words that could potentially play into a name and also be effective for marketing. The list was long, when he said, "what about using your name?". I told him that I most definitely did not want to use my name, when he suggested using possibly a nickname. To which I responded that I had really only ever had one nickname and it was Big 6, and that I really most definitely was not going to use that! To be honest, I didn't even know why they called me that, but they always had from the time I was little. So we went ahead with our list and I told Matt that I had always liked names that sounded like an intersection such as 5th & Main and so on. Then Matt proceeded to ask what I thought of 6th & Big.....a play on my childhood nickname. I thought for a second and decided that I did like the sound of it, but first needed to find out the significance of my nickname. My mother directed me to my Sher Sher, my mother's cousin and my "other mother", who gave me the name. She said it was because I was always very determined and a little bossy as a baby and child. She said that when I set my mind to something there was no changing it, and that I told the truth and didn't mind who liked it. Basically, she continued, I was like a 6 shooter that could shoot 6 bullets without reloading.....ready to confront head on whatever came my way. So after having this nickname for most of my life and only knowing that I was called it when I was being "me", it took me about 34 years to find out the reason behind it. I sort of liked the idea of using a name that encompassed who I have been since a child, especially because since I was a child I had so enjoyed doing everyone's hair that would allow me to. Barbie was one of my first regular customers! I found it interesting that I had tried to do so many things for a living EXCEPT the one thing that involved my true God-given talent.....styling hair. I had started out as an architecture major, ended up with a business degree with a major in marketing, only to graduate and then later go to nursing school and finally go BACK to, (my God-given talent and who God had made me to be).....a hair stylist. So off to cosmetology school I went, which I had never thought of doing for a living in my youth.
Sooooo then back to the name......now that I knew the meaning behind the nickname I wanted to break the name down to discover the symbolism of the number 6. When I googled the meaning of the number I found that it is symbolic of the fact that on the 6th day God created man. I really liked the idea of that and how that when man was created God put inside of each person different gifts and talents that we are supposed to use to serve Christ by serving others. As for the word BIG, Matt had added it to the list before we even discussed my nickname because we liked it for marketing purposes like big hair, big lashes, big dreams, big blessings. God is big. And then so the name was decided upon as 6 representing the day God created man and Big representing God and His blessings and the intersection of the two being where the magic happens in us using our talents to ultimately serve Him using those gifts. It's a long story but one that comes full circle and has a lot of meaning to me and my long awaited resolution to use my gifts to earn a living and serve God as best I can while showing love and care to my clients while I do it. What is your God-given talent and how are you using it to serve others? My prayer for you is that you figure that out and let your light shine while you do it!!!